Urban Legend


Urban Legend (1998)

The Plot: A serial killer commits murders that match urban legends. 

The 1990s when the internet was still young and things like urban legends would spread through word of mouth with no way to really verify them or not. How naive we all were back then, little did we know that urban legends would just morph into modern day conspiracy theories spread baselessly through social media.

Pop rocks and soda? no thanks! That's how Mikey died!

Urban Legend has Freddy Krueger himself (Robert Englund) as a professor of folklore at a New England University teaching our students, er, victims, all about urban legends. Then he disappears for most of the movie until he winds up dead in a trunk of a car. Seems woefully underutilized here honestly. if you are a 90s horror movie(and a slasher movie to boot) and Robert Englund is int he cast and he has like 10 minutes of screen time, you may want to re-evaluate things.

Didn't check the backseat before getting int he car, eh?

He does explain the pop rocks\soda urban legend to everyone. Which is kind of a highlight here. The rest of the urban legends are not quite as well known. Or at least by me. This may have been a good premise on paper, but it doesn't really pay off for me. Most of the kill scenes are elaborately setup but are kind of boring anyway. 

Again with the ax!

Urban Legend is a bit of a snoozefest. A one trick pony of a movie that never really gets going. I give it 3 bag of pop rocks and 3 cans of soda


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