Slugs (1988)
The Plot: Toxic waste mutates slugs and the townsfolk get more than they bargained for.
Slugs. Gross but harmless, right? Sure! Until they are exposed to toxic waste, and then they mutate...into killers! Oh you may think they are slow, and that their brains may only hold the most limited ability to only process the most basic functions to survive; but that would only apply to the garden variety non-toxic waste exposed slugs. (pun intended) Mike Brady, yes, Mike Brady,is the head of the department of health in a sleepy little town who gets caught up in the investigation of some mysterious deaths in town. He is the first to theorize that slugs are the culprit. Of course, most people think he's nuts. But Mike Brady always gets his gastropod mollusc.
These aren't your garden variety slugs |
These slugs show no mercy. and the death toll is high. 11 people. Yes, 11 people die by slug in this movie. The hunt in packs so the question is, are there a group-think going on here. Do this slugs act as one like a colony of ants? is there a slug queen leading the barrage? Clearly, more study is needed. The do kill in a variety of ways such as: Knocking people of a boat and consuming them int he water, lying in wait for drunks who lie on couches, hiding in gardening gloves and when put on a hand , the pain is so unbearable you chop your own hand off before knocking over a gas canister which ignites and blows up the greenhouse, feasting on couples having sex, cut up in lettuce and consumes as dinner, they will spawn other worms which will eat your head from the inside out, come up through a toilet and wait for a vulnerable moment, and finally attacking en masse in a sewer. So as you see, there is no limit to there nefariousness.
The only defense for a slug attack is a good offense
Mike Brady leaps into action by consulting a scientist, who has the worst "British" accent I have ever heard. It's like this guy watched 2 episodes of Monty Python in the lobby of the casting office before auditioning. But I guess it lent gravitas to his performance as slug scientist. They invent a chemical that will react with the slime on a slug and kill them. Which ultimately is successful, but the town will never be the same. I wonder if they have Slug Day to remember the victims every year? It would probably be a solemn affair. I would be neglect if i ignore one of the most enjoyable aspects of this movie: the music. Every time mike Brady hops into his 1987 Chevy Cavalier wagon to go investigate a slug death, this overly dramatic staccato music plays. It's GREAT! It never happens when the slugs are in action, nope! it's only when Mike is driving to the town hall, driving to see his fake British scientist friend, driving to the convenience store for his Sunday paper, it just doesn't matter, it needs the drama that only overly dramatic staccato music could provide!
Beware of lettuce! a prime killer slug hiding place |
The music isn't the only great thing about slugs. There are the slugs themselves (obviously), the sheriff who seems to hate everybody in town, the young kids getting killed having sex trope, the high school kids subplot which goes nowhere, but really, do you need anything else other than killer slugs? I give this movie 7 fake British accents!
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