Cathy's Curse


Cathy's Curse (1977)
The Plot: A small child is taken over by the spirit of her long dead aunt and shenanigans ensue!

The life of a spirit of a dead 10 year old girl living in the afterlife must be a lonely one. So I can't blame the spirit for possessing the body of young Cathy. It must have been something to alleviate the boredom I suppose. It starts innocent enough with Cathy finding a doll. Albeit a very creepy doll. That should've been the first indication to stay away. But who can resist a creepy doll? Certainly not I and certainly not a 10 year old girl.
Want to play with my doll?

Cathy is also forced to live in a creepy old mansion while he mother recuperates from a bout of depression. That too certainly doesn't help the situation. Everyone knows creepy mansion + creepy doll + possessed little girl = hijinks. Well, at the very least hijinks. Certainly the possibility for something greater than hijinks such as calamity could happen too. And that's what we get. Calamity. The house also features many 70s dayglo wallpaper. It's a bit distracting actually. Creepy possessed girl looking evil in front of lime green and yellow wallpaper is truly a sight to behold. 
Look into my eyes!

Cathy kills her babysitter. Who despite being a baby sitter, was a kindly old woman.
Kindly babysitter: "Here's some breakfast I made you , Cathy" 
Cathy "Die you old hag!!

The family dog is also no match for Cathy's growing mind powers. Same with the kindly, but drunken handyman who lives on the premises. Cathy seems to have immense telekinesis powers. Mind control, ability to move physical objects with her mind, etc. It's probably a good thing she only kills a few people. She really could be unstoppable. 
In the days before sunblock

Cathy's Curse is totally bonkers in that good over the top way. Not sure if its because this is a Canadian movie and it plays by its own rules. I give Cathy's Curse 6 creepy dolls.


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