Audrey Rose


Audrey Rose (1977)

The Plot: An 11 year old girl holds the reincarnated soul of Anthony Hopkins deceased daughter.

Audrey Rose is definitely a unique movie, starting off charting very familiar Exorcist territory before veering off into courtroom drama and ending on hypnotism induced death. Even by 70s standards it is way out there. It follows the life of Ivy Templeton normal 11 year old girl, or is she? Anthony Hopkins shows up and starts stalking the family until the finally agree to meet him, over tea no less. Well, he is British after all. He explains that her parents that because Audrey was born minutes after his daughter was killed, she now holds the reincarnated soul of his dead daughter. What other explanation could there be?

If you can't get Linda Blair, you get Ivy Templeton instead

It is at this point that Ivy begins to behave strangely, going into trances, burning her hands on cold surfaces, doing very Linda Blair type stuff, minus pea soup vomit, thankfully. The family tries normal things to get to the bottom of this, doctor visits, a stint at a religious boarding school. But nothing works. Soon, Anthony Hopkins kidnaps Ivy for himself which gets himself arrested and Bang! we are now in a court room drama!

Anyone have some hand lotion?

A trial begins where they seriously consider whether a small child has a reincarnated soul. I'm not sure what legal statute reincarnated souls fall under and what rights they have under NY state law in 1977. I am sure there was also a lack of precedence to go on too. But nevertheless, to trial we go! I'd love go see a "ripped from the headlines" Law and Order episode around this. It is soon determined, in true 70s fashion,. that the true answer lies in hypnotism. I imagine lots of serious legal questions could be solved int his manner. I don't know why the court system stopped doing this. Perhaps because the hypnotism goes horribly awry as Ivy does remember her past life of being burned alive in a wrecked car and she dies. Fade to black! It's the feel good hit of the summer! 

If all else fails, why not try hypnotism?

Audrey Rose is bonkers through and through and really could only exist in the years 1973-1979 when movies like this were made. It has some pacing issues and there could've been more creepier behavior by the girl, but it certainly was memorable! I give Audrey Rose 6 hypnotists, 


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