Hellraiser (1987)
The Plot: A man who finds a strange object that opens an interdimensional rift and is killed, is resurrected but needs the blood of humans to return to his true form.
Frank buys a puzzle box from a strange man who then takes it home, solves it and promptly opens an interdimensional rift to hell where he is skewered by chains and ripped asunder. All in all, not his best day. Just goes to show you, never buy strange objects from junk dealers. It didn't work out well for Zach Galligan in Gremlins and it doesn't work out well here either. I don't know what's worse, the gremlins, or the demons here.
This may look like fun, but it's only fun if your idea of fun involves releasing demons from an interdimensional rift |
After Frank's brother Larry returns to live in the house where he died and spills some of his own blood there, do we get the skinless resurrected body of Frank. Skinless Frank tells Larry's wife, Julia that she must keep bringing him victims to he can suck their blood and receive some more body parts until he is whole again. Apparently, the skin would be the last piece needed as he remains skinless throughout the movie.
Smoking is bad for your health, dontcha know? |
Julia sedcues men and then brings them up to the empty, creepy room where skinless Frank "lives" where she utilizes the efficient hammer to the back of the skull maneuver while the men undress. None of the men seem to have a problem with preparing to have sex in a furnitureless, creepy, dusty room. Probably sums up men's desires nicely in some Fruedian way i'm sure. Larry's daughter eventually obtains the puzzle box, solves it, opens the interdimensional rift again, Larry is killed and taken over by Frank, Pinhead arrives with his minions in tow, violence ensues, Frank is torn asunder a second time. And everyone lives happily ever after?
Do I have something on my face? |
Hellraiser is truly disturbing and creepy and ugly. I give it 7 interdimensional rifts.
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