
2020 October Reviews

   This is usually the time of year where I go crazy and watch nothing but horror movies everyday and write snarky blog posts about them. This year however, there are too many things going on in my life to do a post for every day of October. I will still do my reviews and post them when I can but it certainly won't be one a day for 31 days, which was kind of the point of this whole blog thing! Anyway, I can't give up watching horror movies completely so stay tuned for some reviews! 


Candyman (1992) The Plot: A graduate student working on her thesis on folklore legends finds more than what she bargained for!   Despite the title, there is no candy in Candyman. Instead we get bees. Many, many bees. The worst of which are the bees filling a toilet. Toilet bees should not be a thing. It's probably the most disturbing thing in this movie. We should thank our lucky stars that we don;t have to check our toilets for bees on a regular basis.  My God! Toilet bees!   Candyman tells the story of a boogyman with a hook for a hand that appears when his name is said 5 times while gazing into a mirror. Go ahead, try doing that. I dare you. BWAHAHAHA! Virginia Madsen  doesn't believe this so she does that...and hilarity ensues! OK maybe not, death ensues. But not before she gets kissed by Candyman who has a mouthful of bees! Bee kissing! first bee toilets, now bee kissing. Don't watch this movie if you are scared of bees.  Check out these mouth bees

Earth Vs. The Spider

Earth Vs. The Spider (1958) The Plot: A giant spider enters a suburb and gets more than he bargained for!   The stakes are high in this movie. It's not just someone vs. the spider, or the town vs. the spider. No. It's the whole flippin' earth vs. the spider. Now I'm not sure the spider knows it's the entire earth vs. him. He doesn't seem to inclined to actually leave the confines of the sleepy town. He just doing things a spider would do. You know, live in a dark, cool cave, spin webs, attack passing motorists, whatever!  His mistake was getting the high school kids to start investigating. He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids! Now, when i say kids, it is quite obvious that none of these "kids" are high school age. A quick IMDB search shows that the hero's best friend was played by a 35 year old man passing as a high schooler! It was the 50's. Things were different. He does conduct the swingin&#

Howling III The Marsupials

The Howling III The Marsupials (1987) The Plot: An anthropologist sees footage of Australian aborigines killing what looks like a werewolf so he sets out to prove that and gets more than he bargained for!    Another completely bonkers werewolf movie! One that says what attribute from the animal kingdom can we give to add to the menace of the werewolf? Boar tusks? tentacles? venomous fangs? Nope! Reproducing through a pouch like a marsupial! YES! THAT'S IT!!! So yes, the young woman who is a werewolf in this movie, Jerboa, gives birth to her young which then migrate to her marsupial pouch to incubate.  Nothing is more terrifying than a newborn werewolf entering its mother's marsupial pouch   Meanwhile, anthropologist Professor Harry Beckmeyer is on his own crusade to prove the existence of werewolves. Which he does ultimately do by falling in love with a Russian ballerina who turns into a werewolf mid show due to strobe lights. That is the magic that makes werewo


Hellraiser (1987) The Plot: A man who finds a strange object that opens an interdimensional rift and is killed, is resurrected but needs the blood of humans to return to his true form.   Frank buys a puzzle box from a strange man who then takes it home, solves it and promptly opens an interdimensional rift to hell where he is skewered by chains and ripped asunder. All in all, not his best day. Just goes to show you, never buy strange objects from junk dealers. It didn't work out well for Zach Galligan in Gremlins and it doesn't work out well here either. I don't know what's worse, the gremlins, or the demons here.  This may look like fun, but it's only fun if your idea of fun involves releasing demons from an interdimensional rift   After Frank's brother Larry returns to live in the house where he died and spills some of his own blood there, do we get the skinless resurrected body of Frank. Skinless Frank tells Larry's wife, Julia that she mu

Day Of The Dead

Day Of The Dead (1985) The Plot: A group of scientists protected by the military try to find a cure for the zombie apocalypse.    The zombie apocalypse is in full effect. Cities are deserted except for the hordes of undead shuffling aimlessly in search of brains to eat. The remaining humans are forced to find safety wherever they can. That is where we find things at the beginning of Day of the Dead. Things are looking pretty damned bleak. That's the way things are in the zombie apocalypse. Undead walk the streets, humans forced underground, and forget about finding good Thai food, hope is fading fast! Hordes of shuffling undead looking for brains to eat. An unfortunate side effect of the zombie apocalypse   We find out that our heroes are holed up in a military base. The military is there to protect the scientists who are conducting experiments to find out hoe to deal with the dreaded zombie apocalypse. Of course, things go south right away due to the frayed

Slugs, The Movie

Slugs (1988) The Plot: Toxic waste mutates slugs and the townsfolk get more than they bargained for.   Slugs. Gross but harmless, right? Sure! Until they are exposed to toxic waste, and then they mutate...into killers! Oh you may think they are slow, and that their brains may only hold the most limited ability to only process the most basic functions to survive; but that would only apply to the garden variety non-toxic waste exposed slugs. (pun intended) Mike Brady, yes, Mike Brady,is the head of the department of health in a sleepy little town who gets caught up in the investigation of some mysterious deaths in town. He is the first to theorize that slugs are the culprit.  Of course, most people think he's nuts. But Mike Brady always gets his gastropod mollusc. These aren't your garden variety slugs   These slugs show no mercy. and the death toll is high. 11 people. Yes, 11 people die by slug in this movie. The hunt in packs so the question is, are there a group-t